Working With Children Check (WWCC)
WWCC Information
Child Protection Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Safeguarding children and young people is everyone's business. Life Saving Victoria and affiliated clubs have had to fully comply with the Child Safe Standards sine 1 January 2017.
It is imperative that we provide a safe and supportive environment for children and young people and because of the nature of our club facilities, Fairhaven SLSC requires ALL members aged 18 and over (no matter the level of contact with children under 18) to hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC). WWCC's are free for volunteers and last for 5 years.
Providing WWCC Evidence
A copy of your WWCC Assessment Notice will be mailed to the Club from the Department of Justice once we have been correctly nominated as a place of volunteering. Your WWCC card is insufficient evidence that this has been done.
Updating an existing WWCC
Go to Service Victoria for WWCC updatesFollow these steps to update your Volunteer or Employee WWCC:
- Go to the Working With Children Check website
- Click on ‘Update your details’ on the WWCC transactions online menu.
- Click on the ‘Get started‘ button and proceed to enter in your details to obtain access to your account. Then scroll down in the ‘Update details’ section to ‘Organisation details’. If Life Saving Victoria or Fairhaven Surf Life Saving Club are not appearing in your list of organisations, go to 'Add an organisation’ button (you may need to scroll down).
- Enter the organisation contact details, as per below. Then click ‘update’.
Fairhaven SLSC
- PO Box 221, Aireys Inlet VIC 3231
- Ph: 0439 804 772
- Email: clubadmin@fairhavenslsc.org
Life Saving Victoria
- 200 The Boulevard, Port Melbourne Vic 3207
- Ph: 03 9676 6900
- Email: memberprotection@lsv.com.au
- Repeat steps 3 & 4 to ensure both Fairhaven SLSC and Life Saving Victoria are listed.
- Tick the box to ‘declare that the information provided is true and correct’.
- Click ‘submit’ i order for your changes to take effect.

Child Safe Queries
Jo Lawson, Sonia McCully Saggers & Julia Clarke